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Particle Step Modifier

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The 'Particle Step Modifier' will apply any or all of the three basic transforms (Move, Scale and Rotate) to a procedurally generated particle source, in additive steps. Meaning each subsequent element will inherit the transform of its predecessor and then apply the transform again, generating progressively positioned, scaled or rotated elements. The resulting affect on the particles is based on point order, so the transforms will be applied in that order. Generally meant for use with the 'Particle Generator', they can also be applied to the 'Particle Cloud' and the 'Surface Particle Generator' items.

Adding a Particle Modifier

Users can add a Particle Step Modifier item simply by using the 'Add Item' function of the Items List. LMB+click on the button to open the menu, then select the "Particles > Particle Step Modifier" option. Once added, users then need to specify the Point Source that they wish to affect. Once the originating point source is defined, users will also need to specify the 'Particle Step Modifier' item as the source in the final item. If thought of like a chain, the originating particle generation is defined as the source in the Step Modifier, and then the modified values are fed into the final effect, such as a Replicator, Blob, Volume or Sprite. The Source must be defined in this order so as to produce the intended result.

Particle GeneratorApply: The 'Apply' option acts as a multiplier, controlling the overall strength of the transforms applied to the original particles.

Position X/Y/Z: Determines a Position offset value for the initial particle for each individual axis. Subsequent particles will inherit this values and then apply it again, producing a stepped or progressive type effect.

Rotation X/Y/Z: Determines a Rotation offset value for the initial particle for each individual axis. Subsequent particles will inherit this values and then apply it again, producing a stepped or progressive type effect.

Scale X/Y/Z: Determines a Size increase/decrease for the initial particle for each individual axis. Subsequent particles will inherit this values and then apply it again, producing a stepped or progressive type effect.







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