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Color Invert

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The 'Color Invert' node reverses the incoming color values, providing a negative image type of effect.


The Color Invert node is added to the 'Schematic Viewport' using the 'Add' function, found in the popup menu under "Channel Modifiers > Color > Color Invert". Once added, an RGB color output from another node can be connected to the 'Color' Input of the Color Invert node. The result of the adjustments are then sent through the 'Color' output for connecting to another RGB or value input. For information on working with node graphs, please reference the Schematic Viewport documentation for additional information. The color invert node has no attributes that appear in the 'Properties' panel--


Schematic Node: Color Invert

Color Input: These inputs read RBG values from the output of another node. Input values can be simple RGB values or a texture node, or complex combinations of multiple nodes.

Mask: The 'Mask' input will control the strength of the invert application across the image using an input value. White shows the adjusted input fully, attenuating toward black which shows no adjustment.

Color Output: The 'Color' output field represents the final results of the invert values.



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