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Bitmap Image Formats

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Bitmap images are an essential component of texturing, painting and image based sculpting. They are also useful as backdrops for modeling, providing reference for shape and scale when modeling. They can also be used to literally light the scene, where information captured in the image can illuminate rendered images. With so many different uses, it is necessary to support a great number of image formats.
There are several ways users can load images into MODO. One is from the Images viewport, typically located near the 'Items List' and 'Shader Tree' viewports of the default interface. Using the 'Add Clips' button in the 'Images' viewport, users can open a OS specific dialog box to locate and select an image for loading. Once loaded, images in the 'Clips' list will appear throughout the application in applicable menus. Users can also load images by simply dragging and dropping them from the operating system onto MODO. When users drag and drop images, if dropping them onto geometry they will appear as a texture in a material. If dragged into a 3D viewport, they will appear as a Backdrop Item. When loading a bitmap, that is not applied to geometry or a Backdrop Item, drag it into a non-3D viewport. Items can be dragged from the 3D views directly onto groups (where they become members of the group) or into the Schematic viewport. Users can also load image directly from any menu for selecting images, using the 'Add Image' command present in the menu. Once an image is loaded, users can reference the dedicated documentation page for any particular function, specific to how the image is applied and used.

Read Formats

This is a listing of the image map formats MODO can read and use for texturing, backdrops, brushes, and variety of other functions.

Format Name Extension Bit Depth
per channel
Compressed Type
Flexible Precision Image Format .FLX HDR Yes Lossless
Targa .TGA 8 bit + Alpha No  
Windows BMP .BMP 8 bit + Alpha No  
Graphic Interchange Format .GIF 256 colors Yes Palette
Radiance High Dynamic Range .HDR HDR Yes Lossless
JPEG .JPG 8 bit Yes Lossy
Portable Network Graphic .PNG 8 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless
Portable Network Graphic 16 bit .PNG 16 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless
PSD (Photoshop Document) .PSD 8 bit No  
SGI RGB .SGI 8 bit No  
Tagged Image File Format .TIF 8 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless
16-Bit TIF .TIF 16 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless
16-Bit Uncompressed TIF .TIF 16 bit + Alpha No  
Open EXR .EXR HDR Yes/No  
Zoomify (large image support)* .XML 8 bit Yes Lossless


*Zoomify is a format for supporting large images based on smaller tiles of JPEG images. MODO only loads the tiles necessary to render or display, meaning users can apply massive textures, with little affect on system performance. Users can export Zoomify formatted images using the "File > Export > Zoomify" function in Photoshop (CS5/6) or users can download 'Zoomify Express' for free at Zoomify.comexternal link. Users can also load large HDR images in to MODO and use the 'Save Image As' command and save to the 'OpenEXR Tiled' formats to use the tiled image support on high dynamic range images.


Write Formats

This is a listing of formats MODO writes out when creating new images.

Format Name Extension Bit Depth
per channel
Compressed Type
Flexible Precision Image Format .FLX HDR Yes Lossless
Targa .TGA 8 bit + Alpha No  
Windows BMP .BMP 8 bit + Alpha No  
Radiance High Dynamic Range .HDR HDR Yes Lossless
JPEG .JPG 8 bit Yes Lossy*
Portable Network Graphic .PNG 8 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless*
Portable Network Graphic 16 bit .PNG 16 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless*
PSD (Photoshop Document) .PSD 8 bit No  
SGI RGB .SGI 8 bit No  
Tagged Image File Format .TIF 8 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless
16-Bit TIF .TIF 16 bit + Alpha Yes Lossless
16-Bit Uncompressed TIF .TIF 16 bit + Alpha No  
Open EXR (+layers) .EXR HDR Preference Lossless*


*A MODO preference option provides for users to determine the amount of compression -- go to "System > Preferences" then "File I/O > Image I/O".


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