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Weave Procedural

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Weave Default

The 'Weave' procedural texture simulates woven yarn, in a basic basket-weave pattern. A series of parallel rows, combined with columns that thread over and under alternating rows forming the basic pattern. Procedural textures are mathematically created at render-time, and therefore have no fixed resolution, they can be magnified nearly infinitely with no visual loss in detail. Yarn Width and Roundness control the look of the actual woven strands.
For information regarding adding and working with Shader Tree Items Layers, please reference the the Shader Tree page of the documentation.

Weave PanelLayer--

Enable: Toggles the effect of the layer on and off, duplicating the functionality of toggling visibility in the Shader Tree. When un-checked (disabled), the layer has no effect on the shading of the scene. However, disabled layers are saved with the scene and are persistent across modo sessions.

Invert: Inverts the RGB values for the layer producing a negative effect.

Blend Mode: Affects blending between different layers of the same effect type, allowing user the ability to stack several layers for different effects. For more on blending, please reference the 'Blend Modes' page of the documentation.

Opacity: Changes the transparency of the current layer. Reducing this values will increasingly reveal lower layers in the shader tree if present, or dim the effect of the layer itself on the surface.

Locator: Most texture layers also have an associated 'Texture Locator' that is automatically created in the 'Item List'. This defines the mapping of the texture (way the texture is applied) to the surface. The 'Locator' option sets that association. Users can choose alternate locators, however, the need to do so will be very rare; still, there are some possible instances where users may want multiple texture items to share a single locator.


Yarn Color: Only available when Weave is applied to a color channel, such as diffuse color, 'Yarn Color' will allow you to specify the RGB color value for the columns and rows of virtual yarn along with its own Alpha value determining how transparent the Yarn will be.

Yarn Value: Only available when Weave is applied to a non-colored channel, such as bump or displacement, 'Yarn Value' will determine the intensity or height of the columns and rows of the virtual yarn.

Gap Color: Only available when Weave is applied to a color channel, such as diffuse color, 'Gap Color' will allow you to specify the RGB color value for the spaces between the virtual yarn along with its own Alpha value determining how transparent the gaps will be.

Gap Value: Only available when Weave is applied to a non-colored channel, such as bump or displacement, 'Gap Value' will determine the intensity or depth of the gaps between the virtual yarn.

Yarn Width: The 'Yarn Width' setting determines the thickness of the virtual columns and rows of yarn. A value of 100% will completely eliminate the adjoining gaps looking like a tightly woven basket, while smaller values will simulate loosely woven meshes such as a net or screen.

Yarn Width 0.1%
Yarn Width 25%
Yarn Width 50%
Yarn Width 75%
Yarn Width 100%

Roundness: The 'Roundness' setting determines how round the strands of virtual yarn look, A value of 0% would leave the strands completely flat while a value of 100% would render them as if tiny woven tubes.

Roundness 0%
Roundness 25%
Roundness 50%
Roundness 75%
Roundness 100%



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