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Add Point

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The 'Add Point' tool provides users a means to easily add a vertex point along an edge, or along a curve wherever the user clicks the LMB. Found in the 'Edge' subtab of the modeling toolbox, the following option appear in the tool properties panel when the tool is activated-

Add Point PanelAdd Point--

Position: The slice position across the entire edge length displayed as percentage. 50% would be the center.

Distance 1/2: The slice position displayed as a numeric distance value from the start (1) to the end (2) of the edge.

Split at the Middle: When enabled, modo will automatically slice at the middle position regardless of where the edge was clicked.

Show Distance: When enabled, displays the distances between the edge positions and the new position as a numeric value.

Preserve Curvature: The new position is computed along a curve through the edges to maintain the overall curvature. Once enabled, the 'Tension' setting becomes available.

Tension: Determines the strength of the curvature preservation. The default value of 100% calculates the curvature similar to a spline generated along the edge's length, placing the new vertex appropriately, where a value of 0% would be like disabling the Preserve Curvature option. Negative values inset the curvature and higher values further offset the vertex out from the curve's position.



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