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Multi Resolution Palette

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A 'Multiresolution Mesh' is a special mode of the Pixar Subdivision Surfaces geometry type meant specifically for sculpting, allowing users to interactively step up and down through multiple subdivision levels. Users can easily sculpt a form at a lower subdivision level, step up the level to add fine details, then return to a lower subdivision level to adjust the overall shape without affecting the fine details developed at the higher level.

Mutil Res Palette

When working with a Multiresolution meshes for sculpting, the Multires palette appears in the 3D viewport helping to give users a visual reference to the number of subdivisions applied, the current subdivision level, as well as controls to easily step up and down through the levels. Additionally, brush settings can be adjusted using the provided sliders. When enabled, the palette appears when any sculpting tools are active. Palette visibility can be toggled with the 'Sculpt HUD' button found at the top of the Sculpting toolbox.

Mutil Res Palette

In order to properly set-up a mesh for Multi Resolution, users need to ensure the mesh is first in Pixar's 'Catmull-Clark' Subdivision mode. Catmull-Clark SubDs are differentiated by their rollover color, regular SubDs are a pale lavender color on rollover, while Catmull-Clark Subds are a pale olive color. If that's too subtle, users may also use the 'Statistics' viewport panel, and under "Polygon > By Type > Catmull-Clark", users can use the ' + ' and ' - ' buttons to select and de-select respectively, while in 'Polygons' mode, and see what surfaces are designated as such. If you find your surface is a regular Subdivision Surface, it can be converted by again using the statistics panel to select just the SubD geometry "Polygon > By Type > SubDivs", press the ' + ' to select, then press 'Tab' to disable, then press 'Shift+Tab' to convert the selection to Catmull-Clark. Then enabling the 'Multiresolution' option in the Mesh item's properties, or directly in the sculpting interface with the toggle, this will properly prepare the surface for Multiresolution sculpting.

The palette itself is made up of a few buttons and a couple sliders. The buttons allow users to either sequentially step up and down through the Multiresolution levels using the up and down arrows, or go directly to a specific level using the numeric buttons at the bottom. The two sliders allow users to designate the currently active brush's strength with the 'Offset' amount and control the brush 'Step', defining how often a brush dab is dropped to the drawing surface. Lower steps will produce smoother strokes, but can also slow interactivity, while hight Step values may reveal the individual dabs when raised to high, though sometimes thats a desirable behavior. Lastly, the palette can be dismissed with the 'x' button, exiting the display. To make it visible again, press the 'Sculpt HUD' button.


