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Vertex Map Tools Reference

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Vertex Map painting tools are useful for a variety of functions. Most commonly users working with game assets can apply Vertex Color maps in addition to textures for added variety and depth, and animators can use Weight Maps to control how deformers influence deformations applied to geometry. The Vertex Map tools gives users added control and finesse in either situation. Located in the 'Painting ' interface tab under the 'Vertex Map Tools' subtab of the toolbox. Invoking any of the tools will display the associated properties in the appropriate viewport panel. To paint, users will need to select both a Tool (brush) and a 'Tip' which designates how the brush itself applies to the vertex map. It occasionally will be necessary to select the target Vertex Map within the 'Lists' viewport. When working with a mouse, users can simply LMB+drag over the surface to apply the stroke. The LMB click is applied automatically when using a pressure sensitive stylus and tablet. Users may also RMB+click and drag in the viewport to interactively scale the size of the brush tip. For more information of working with Vertex Maps, please reference that section of the documentation.

Vertex Map Tools
Cube Icon Paint Sphere Icon Scale Down Sphere Icon Erase Torus Icon Set Value
Sphere Icon Smooth      


