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File Commands

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MODO provides all the standard controls necessary for opening, closing and otherwise managing files to and from disk. Most options perform from operating system specific dialog boxes. File management is largely accomplished through the commands in the menu bar under the 'File' menu. User need only to LMB+click on a menu command to invoke the operation.

New: The 'New' command will create a new empty (blank) scene file and add it to the 'Item List'. By default, the scene will be named "untitled". If other currently opened scenes are also named "untitled", MODO will append a number to the name, such as "Untitled (2)", "Untitled (3)" and so on. Use the 'Save As' option to name the scene.

Open: The 'Open' command allows users to load any previously saved MODO scene files, as well as variety of other 3D object and image file formats. Scene files are added to the 'Item List', as are other 3D object formats. Images are added to the 'Images' list of the currently active scene file.

Open Recent: The 'Open Recent' command allows users todirectly open a file from a list of files previously opened/saved files, bypassing the 'Load Scene' window. To use Open Recent, simply go to the menu bar under "File > Open Recent" for a list ,and choose the appropriate file name from the list. If you happened to move the file to a different location and then try to use 'Open Recent', you will get an error message letting you know that file is no longer at that location. Should this occur, use the 'Open' command and navigate to the files new location. The list of Recent files are stored in the "modoXXX.cfg" (aka the config file). If you delete this file, your list of recent files will also disappear.

Close Window: Dismisses the current floating window viewport.

Close Scene: The 'Close Scene' command will close the currently active (selected) scene. If the file was not recently saved, MODO will also ask the user to save it. If the closed scene was the only one currently in the 'Items' list, MODO will automatically create a new blank scene.

Close All: This command will close all currently open items in MODO, including images and scene files. MODO will default to a new empty scene. If any scene or image file has changed since the last save, a popup dialog will ask if the user wishes to save recent changes.

Save: The 'Save' command will allow users to save the currently active scene as a file to disk. An operating system specific dialog box will popup if the file has not been previously saved requesting a file name as well as a location.

Save As: The 'Save As" command will open a file requester allowing users to specify a file name for the currently active scene file as well as location.

Save All: The 'Save All' command will save all currently opened scene and image files in one step. For scenes not previously saved, i.e. no filename or path specified, an appropriate dialog box will popup.

Revert: The 'Revert' command will remove the currently active scene from memory and load in the last saved version abandoning all subsequent changes made since the last time the file was saved. A popup requester will ask users to confirm this procedure because it is not undoable. Selecting 'Yes' will load in the previous version, and selecting 'No' will cancel the procedure.

Reset: The 'Reset' command closes any currently open scene(s), prompting users to save if necessary, and then restores the user interface to the same state as when MODO was previously opened. It is essentially like freshly opening MODO, without having to actually exit and re-enter the application. Since exiting MODO prompts the application to write out any changes in memory to the user configuration file (typically MODO XXX.cfg), this command is useful for when a number of undesired changes have been inadvertently applied to the interface and users wish to clear them from memory.

